They say that there is magic, even music, in wood. Working in the shop last night, the plane seemed to sing as it busied itself, working on a kantele. More remarkable, Jouhiorkesteri was on the ipod and the plane (hoyla...pardon my keyboard) was in sync with them !!! It was as if I was only a spectator. Maybe I'm nuts ?
Said old Vainamoinen:
"Do not weep now, tree so green,
Leaf-bedecked and girdled white!
You will have a merry future,
New and joyous life awaits you.
Soon now you will weep for gladness
And sing out in ecstasy."
Then he carved the weeping birch tree,
Whittled out an instrument;
On a summer's day he carved it,
Saped it to a five-stringed harp....
Runo 44 The Kalevala

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