Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Evolution (again)

Over a half century ago, most progressive theologians and mainline Christian leaders were pretty much in agreement regarding evolution….the idea being (without going into great detail) that it really doesn’t matter how mankind was created. The important thing is that God is The Creator. The Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis wrote, “….I believe that Christianity can still be believed, even if Evolution is true.” Lewis refused to include arguments against Evolution in his apologetics, on the basis that how man was created is a false issue. The Genesis account of creation is about mankind’s fall into sin occurring because God “perfected the animal form”, according to Lewis and man became aware that he has a conscience. This conscience is what makes man different from all other animals. Without it, without being able to make moral choices in the interest of God’s plan, we would be no more “human” than rats or cockroaches. There would be no reason to have a conscience if we were not created to live within the bounds of this divine plan. In other words, what would be the point of conscience if we did not have a “higher power” to report to? Without the ability to make moral decisions, we would probably be better eating machines but we might also be living in burrows!
So….if it is the case that the creation v. evolution is really irrelevant then why have we not been made aware of this, years ago? Many are of the opinion that the mainline protestant clergy has not done a particularly good job of preaching the word of God in a way that can be understood and accepted by seekers and doubters in this modern world. The building fund has become a subject for too many sermons and, often, clergymen preach what the biggest contributors want to hear. Many conservative churchmen are in bed with money and politics, while their liberal brothers push “social ministries “ , which fly in the face of the very Gospel they are called to preach. This lack of a ministerial and evangelical presence in the community, has left a vacuum which has
allowed the “TV preachers” and conservative mega-churches to become the visible face of the Christian Church. Thus, the general public gets a rather mean spirited, judgmental, literalist, political and legalistic impression of the Church. A Church which spends too much time and spiritual energy arguing doctrinal and political issues. A Church which has drifted away from the wonderfully simple and liberating Word of God as set forth in the ancient creeds.

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I make and sell Finnish Kanteles and Jouhikkos