Tuesday, May 17, 2016

A Word About Fusion…A Rant

Simply put, FUSION has come to be (to me) a very annoying word.  The word was dug out of the dictionary by some marketing/public relations type for the express purpose of  annoying me to the point of distraction. Only after FUSION had become the second F-Bomb did my Doctor find it necessary to prescribe statin drugs as part of my morning pill cocktail!

It was once a very normal word…minding it’s  own business in the middle of Webster’s until that fateful day when it crawled into common usage.  Siri says “the  process of joining two or more things together to form a single entity”.   I picture the motor and all ancillary bells and whistles seizing up to become a metallic  blob when one starts their Ford car!

A short internet search reveal, literally, scores of products given the appellation: Fusion.

I picture my Fusion razor bonding to my face, women’s slacks (Kohls) forming a bond with…well…!!

Lastly, we take up the dire results of sitting upon a Fusion toilet seat !  I found, on Ebay, A Floral Toilet Seat Elongated and Hand Painted.  At least if this thing should live up to it’s name and become one with the sitter (or s*itter) it will be a fashionable bonding !  

Larry LaBounty

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I make and sell Finnish Kanteles and Jouhikkos