Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Defending my country's freedom to do what?

As I celebrate my veteran-hood, I had some thoughts. Thoughts that some of my friends  may find troublesome and un-patriotic but things I feel compelled to share.

As we talk about "our boys" serving "over there", in "harm's way" and defending the "freedoms we hold dear", are we really sincere? Sometimes, it seems, we heap these platitudes on "our troops" to gloss over the fact that "our freedom to do as we please" has not really been in real jeopardy since World War II. Thousands have perished due to poor decision making and vagaries of political maneuvering and profiteering. 

In the case of the current conflict, we have lost sight of our original objectives and "our boys (and girls)"  are dieing for reasons we can't quite put our finger on. Maybe to protect the "freedom" of politicians to stonewall and the freedom of hate spewing, pundits to make treasonous statements about  othe Commander in Chief.  Are we protecting the "freedom" of certain Church Leaders to damn gays, entire racial groups and ethniceties to Hell? 

For those who have died in our many wars,  we can better honor their memories by praying that we will, someday, live in REAL freedom and peace. So that, in fact, they will NOT have died for nothing.

1 comment:

Ms Amanda said...

Very moving.

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I make and sell Finnish Kanteles and Jouhikkos