Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A winter scene along Lake Erie

A tree on the beach at Fairport Harbor.....I like this

Defending my country's freedom to do what?

As I celebrate my veteran-hood, I had some thoughts. Thoughts that some of my friends  may find troublesome and un-patriotic but things I feel compelled to share.

As we talk about "our boys" serving "over there", in "harm's way" and defending the "freedoms we hold dear", are we really sincere? Sometimes, it seems, we heap these platitudes on "our troops" to gloss over the fact that "our freedom to do as we please" has not really been in real jeopardy since World War II. Thousands have perished due to poor decision making and vagaries of political maneuvering and profiteering. 

In the case of the current conflict, we have lost sight of our original objectives and "our boys (and girls)"  are dieing for reasons we can't quite put our finger on. Maybe to protect the "freedom" of politicians to stonewall and the freedom of hate spewing, pundits to make treasonous statements about  othe Commander in Chief.  Are we protecting the "freedom" of certain Church Leaders to damn gays, entire racial groups and ethniceties to Hell? 

For those who have died in our many wars,  we can better honor their memories by praying that we will, someday, live in REAL freedom and peace. So that, in fact, they will NOT have died for nothing.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Just an early morning photo from this past August

Hancock Point Maine at low tide

Book of Daniel

Sunday, I 'm going to talk with my group about Daniel's dream. He sees no end to oppression in the world. Each leader is worse that the one before.... Sounds familiar doesn't it ?

Fortunately, there is ONE leader we can count on ...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gay Ordination

This morning, my Christian congregation voted to leave the ELCA (our governing body). While the main issue was the ordination of gay pastoral candidates, those pushing for this action claimed that it was really about the Synod not adhering to the Word of God and that homosexuality was NOT the real issue.

I was not at the vote or the preceding meeting. The reason being that I feel this action is horribly wrong and I feel so strongly about makes me physically ill. My understanding is that homophobic comments were made during the proceedings and and not challenged. Sadly, I am not surprised by this.

This Church has been a big part of my life. I feel shame and  sorrow over these actions.

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

One of my favorite Jouhikkos....

C.S. Lewis on Fascism and Communism (paraphrased by me)

Fascism and Communism are powerful because of the good that they imitate. This "good" is appealing to some, because of those who have left humanity starved of that particular need (or good).

We must stand guard against the penetration of politics into Christianity, especially the extreme Left and Right ideologies. They will feed upon, and exploit the openings provided by our inattention and ignorance.

We will presently see both a Leftist and a Rightist pseudo-theology developing and this will be an abomination! (Lewis had these thoughts over fifty years ago...looks like he was correct.)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Firsts !

This is my first post in moons.  Makes me think of other, special "firsts" : First swig of cold beer, on a hot day. First coffee in the morning. First car. First love. First kid.  And, when I go for the paper, the first breath of summer morning air.

About Me

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I make and sell Finnish Kanteles and Jouhikkos