Once military service commences, what happens next is largely a matter of chance. Rarely does one choose to be a hero. The service-person is expected to perform honorably whether he/she is a Special Forces operative or is issuing underware to recruits. Upon discharge the soldier or sailor, if he/she has served honorably, carries the memory of their sevice with pride.
It is a dis-service to veterans to use military service as a campaign issue, especially in a high visibility election. The Commander-in-Chief has no business besmearching the military service of ANYONE, including their opponent. The Bush and Kerry camps both owe an apology to those who value and respect the service they performed.
you are so coool dad
Love you, Lizzy
Thoughtful is your post. However, John Kerry owes an apology to NO ONE . Bush owes an apology to every sevice person in Iraq for sending them to battle a war that can't be won, a war concived by lies and exagerations, and a war of such inhuman proportions that in the "end" will be as extreme as vietnam!
It was Kerry's VN experience that made him far more qualified to be the president and bring this illigal war to an end. The swift boat propagnada was hidious and made to eradicate the service of a very noble man, when it was Bush who was the draft dodger! The American people should be ashamed to have been so duped to give this guy for more years.......to destroy this country and kill more innocent Americans and Iraqi people.
John Kerry owes no one an apology on this account! (now, for conceding the election too early...yes)
John Kerry hardly lost the election because he was dirtied by Swift Boat Vets for Truth propaganda. He ran an inept campaign against a weak president who had us involved in a bad war with a mediocre economy. Being a vet did not make him qualified to be president; just as being a "draft dodger" did not disqualify Bill Clinton to be President.
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